Dad in Taiwan

Hello, everyone!

Before you protest my lack of posting, hear me out: I think it's a good sign that I've forgotten to post a blog post for 5 weeks straight. On one hand, I've kept busy with school and grading. On the other hand, I've gotten into a rhythm of life here that has made the time pass swiftly. I was also especially busy preparing for two busy weeks: my dad coming to visit last week and our fall break in Kenting this week! Now that Dad's touched back down in Arkansas and started recuperating, it's time for a breakdown of Dadventure week!

Breakfast on the patio!
Day 0: He landed at 11:45pm. He couldn’t believe how much the interstate back to our apartments looks like the Madrid roads. We FaceTimed with Mom, dumped out his suitcases (basically Christmas in October), and went to bed.

Day 1: He taught Judson’s 6th grade first thing in the morning. I sat in the back of the 6th grade class and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was truly seeing my dad from Nashville, AR, teach Morrison students about the reliability of the Bible. He taught my 9th and 10th grade next, and it was an experience seeing him interact with my students. James drove us down to Dashe for lunch and a tea from Macu!

After school, Debbie, McKenzie, Dad, and I went to see the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas in the city. Dad and I wore Arkansas shirts so that we would be in proper attire at the Arkansas Diner for dinner! Landis so kindly agreed to open up at dinner time that day so that we could eat there before Dad flew back.

Day 2: Dad taught my 9th and 10th grade classes! He also taught Mr. Taylor's 8th grade class. "I've been talking all day," he croaked around 3.
He found a running buddy in Todd Chesebro, though I'm sure Todd was not used to running and talking at the same time like Dad does! In the afternoon, I took Dad to a place no visitor should miss on their trip to Taiwan- Taisuco! Dad tried Airwaves, the mintiest mint gum ever created, and decided he found his new jumpstart when jetlag hits. 

That night, we had dinner with Chandel and the Tams. It was the night of the Moon Festival, so we tried to go out to the night market. Instead, we ended up spending some time buying fun souvenirs at one of the local stationery shops! Dad nodded off every few seconds once we got back in the car.

Day 3: Dad taught 9th grade and then TTT (the high school semi-chapel). He shared the Gospel and gave them an opportunity to accept; one student did! I cried multiple times that morning from overwhelming emotions of all kinds. 

For lunch, the school catered from a wonderful Thai restaurant in Dashe (which Dad loved). That afternoon, I took Dad up to E-da World to explore the mall (and purchase some baked goods) as well as ride the Ferris wheel. While we rode the Ferris wheel, we talked about his experience in Spain vs. mine in Kaohsiung thus far. 

We also rode fighting robots. Day. Made.

After E-Da, we had our weekly potluck on the hill with some of the other staff! It was also our last potluck with James for the next 4 months, so it was quite bittersweet.  
Day 4: Happy PLearning! Professional Learning Days at the Taichung campus began. We left at 6 and got to the first session around 9. Dad stayed with me for the corporate worship time; then, we split into my English sessions and his chaplain training sessions. 

That night, I joined a brass sight-reading session with band teachers from the other campuses while dad recorded us like the proud father he is. 

He's getting to be a band parents all over again with Connor right now, so he started filling me in on marching band talk (oh, how I've missed it!). 

We had a dinner seminar that night with an OMF missionary about folk religion and its impact on the Taiwanese working class. This was an eye-opener. I've realized how selfish I've been in my interactions with my students, especially my 9th graders. I look forward to turning over a new leaf with them after the break. 
That night, we stayed up until midnight talking with a recent college grad, Rebecca, and our weekend host, Melodie. Hearing their stories and hearing Dad share his was refreshing, even as I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open!

Dad prayed us out of the last corporate worship time!

Day 5: PL continued. Dad wrapped up his sessions about the First Priority strategy with the chaplains and I finished sessions with my English mentors/fellow teachers (beyond helpful). I tried to thank Tim for the blessing that it was to have Dad come this week, but my words didn't feel adequate. We headed back to Kaohsiung, but we stopped at this rest stop that turned out to be a mini mall once every kiosk opened- Dad and I had delicious Australian burgers! 

That night, we talked until Dad thought of something he wanted to show me on his computer, but his plans changed after he got a notification about limited disk space. A google search/youtube tutorial later and we found hundreds of videos Dad had taken on his phone in the last 5 years! We spent hours watching Christmas morning videos and band highlight reels. 

Day 6: An early start with a heavy heart. We grabbed the Nashville News-Leader issue from my desk and headed out the door with Dad's bags (now full of goodies to try) in tow. 
Lord, thank you for orchestrating this all so that I could have my dad here with me.

It was such a blessing having you, Dad! I love you!

Tune in next time to hear about the southernmost tip of Taiwan, Baisha beach, carbonated hot springs, and Kenting!


  1. I had such an awesome time with you, Candace, in Taiwan!!! It was such a joy to get to speak to all the Bible classes & Chapel, lead the First Priority training for the Chaplains, get to know so many of the incredible Christian teachers at Morrison Academy, experience the Taiwanese students & food...but the greatest joy of all was getting to be with you, Candace, & see how great of an impact you are already having in Taiwan!!! It was such a blessing to see the "family" atmosphere (Christian fellowship) among all the teachers & families that you are such an integral part of already! I love you so much & can't wait to see you at home for Christmas!


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