
Showing posts from October, 2017

Breaking for Fall and Meeting New People

Hello all! The weather in Kaohsiung has dipped into breezy with a bit of sun. Everyone keeps saying, "Wow, does it feel nice out!" The last two weeks since Dad flew back to the states have housed MAK's Fall Break as well as the last week of Quarter 1. In the words of Mr. Steve, "You're 25% done!" Here's a recap: For Monday and Tuesday of Fall Break, I cranked out grades, reading, and lesson planning for The Odyssey . On Tuesday night, McKenzie moved in with me! She's sleeping in my guest bedroom while James is in the military, and BOY has it been swell! To kick off our roommate-ship, we headed to THE BEACH WOOOOOOOO ... I mean, Kenting on the southern coast! Wednesday: We drove down to Kenting and marveled at the beautiful mountain highway which borders the sea for much of the stretch. After we dropped off our stuff, we met up with Caitlyn and Connie at the Yoho Resort to swim in the late afternoon. Christina offered to loan us her swim c...

Dad in Taiwan

Hello, everyone! Before you protest my lack of posting, hear me out: I think it's a good sign that I've forgotten to post a blog post for 5 weeks straight. On one hand, I've kept busy with school and grading. On the other hand, I 've gotten into a rhythm of life here that has made the time pass swiftly. I was also especially busy preparing for two busy weeks: my dad coming to visit last week and our fall break in Kenting this week!  Now that Dad's touched back down in Arkansas and started recuperating , it's time for a breakdown of Dadventure week! Breakfast on the patio! Day 0: He landed at 11:45pm. He cou ldn’t believe how much the interstate back to our apartments looks like the Madrid roads. We FaceTimed with Mom, dumped out his suitcases (basically Christmas in October), and went to bed. Day 1: He taught Judson’s 6th grade first thing in the morning. I sat in the back of the 6th grade class and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was truly seein...