
Showing posts from July, 2017

Pre-Field Orientation and Building the RAFTs

It's 8:36am in O'Hare Chicago Airport (layovers are the best time to blog), and I've been awake since July 7th. It's not that I haven't closed my eyes for a 7 or 8 hours each night: it's that I haven't really slept. I've been moving from one thing to the next all summer long, and the blur of activity has meant less processing. Well, this is me processing! I should have made a post after the Pre-Field Orientation in Houghton, NY, so let's cover that first. Because PFO was three weeks ago and I've had many thoughts since then, I'm just going to share with you the self-report we were asked to make to explain what we learned from the conference.  Before PFO, I was concerned mostly with checking boxes, both literal and figurative. I applied for a visa, packed my things, and gathered information for unit/lesson-planning. I hadn't considered how I would be changing in the coming months of transition. In my mind, I was preparing the ...